Thursday, December 6, 2007

Having A Quest Is A Wonderful Thing


'Quest For God' by Paul M. Johnson. I do not really have any interest in Catholic doctrine. Many of the subjects Johnson writes about I know little or nothing about. But what I did find in the book is a deep personal quest of an individual to be in relation with a personal God. I found the story of this quest and of Johnson's faith instructive and illuminating. I think that anyone who takes the idea of a personal God seriously will be able to learn from this work.

'Yoga & The Path Of The Urban Mystic' by Darren Main. This book is really fun and easy to read. it's unpretentious, honest, and good natured in its discussion of the mental hurdles, internal conflicts, and regular friction that arise in our lives daily. Anybody who has read a lot of what they call mystical, esoteric, or religious texts will especially enjoy the combination of simplicity, sincerity, and depth that the author has infused this eBook with. Check below for the Coupon Code to receive a Discount on these two eBook Titles.

Quest for God, The eBook edition by Johnson, Paul M.
In this probing, challenging and personal account of his feelings about God and religion, Paul Johnson shares with others the strength and comfort of his own faith. Informed by his great knowledge of history, The Quest for God is written
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YOGA & THE PATH OF THE URBAN M (Adobe Reader) eBook edition by Main, Darren
For modern yogis feeling challenged in our efforts to remain deeply spiritual, contemplative, and centered amid the stresses and complications of urban life, this book serves as both inspiration and guide. Darren Main's fresh, down-to-earth approach to the time-tested practice and philosophy of yoga shows us the way to apply the ancient wisdom of India to every moment and every breath so that even our busiest days can be powerful and mystical adventures, filled with all the wonder and magic that was once reserved for those living as monks and nuns
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