Thursday, December 6, 2007

Having A Quest Is A Wonderful Thing


'Quest For God' by Paul M. Johnson. I do not really have any interest in Catholic doctrine. Many of the subjects Johnson writes about I know little or nothing about. But what I did find in the book is a deep personal quest of an individual to be in relation with a personal God. I found the story of this quest and of Johnson's faith instructive and illuminating. I think that anyone who takes the idea of a personal God seriously will be able to learn from this work.

'Yoga & The Path Of The Urban Mystic' by Darren Main. This book is really fun and easy to read. it's unpretentious, honest, and good natured in its discussion of the mental hurdles, internal conflicts, and regular friction that arise in our lives daily. Anybody who has read a lot of what they call mystical, esoteric, or religious texts will especially enjoy the combination of simplicity, sincerity, and depth that the author has infused this eBook with. Check below for the Coupon Code to receive a Discount on these two eBook Titles.

Quest for God, The eBook edition by Johnson, Paul M.
In this probing, challenging and personal account of his feelings about God and religion, Paul Johnson shares with others the strength and comfort of his own faith. Informed by his great knowledge of history, The Quest for God is written
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YOGA & THE PATH OF THE URBAN M (Adobe Reader) eBook edition by Main, Darren
For modern yogis feeling challenged in our efforts to remain deeply spiritual, contemplative, and centered amid the stresses and complications of urban life, this book serves as both inspiration and guide. Darren Main's fresh, down-to-earth approach to the time-tested practice and philosophy of yoga shows us the way to apply the ancient wisdom of India to every moment and every breath so that even our busiest days can be powerful and mystical adventures, filled with all the wonder and magic that was once reserved for those living as monks and nuns
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Finding Yourself, And Finding God


'The Quest for God' by Paul M. Johnson. I love Paul Johnson. I love Paul Johnson's books. I just disliked this one. His impeccable credentials (Oxford) and his usual penchant for exhaustive scholarly research (The Intellectuals, History of the Jews, History of Christianity, etc.) were surprisingly absent. This book is thoroughly Catholic - not necessarily a bad thing mind you. This eBook needs at least two careful readings before judgment can be passed upon it. Johnson is a person of religious faith and this work is one the reading of which will I am certain inspire and deepen the religious faith of others.

'The Way of the Fertile Soul:' by Randine A. Lewis. For anyone who has ever considered their fertility as more than baby making. I have never had a child, and yet never considered myself fully fertile until I came across this book. The Way of the Fertile Soul makes me look at my LIFE in a completely new way. Who would have ever thought that my most painful issues could become the source of my greatest healing? For me this eBook was a journey toward health and wholeness. Below, there is a Coupon Code to receive a Discount on either of these two eBook Titles.

Quest for God, The eBook edition by Johnson, Paul M.
In this probing, challenging and personal account of his feelings about God and religion, Paul Johnson shares with others the strength and comfort of his own faith.
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The Way of the Fertile Soul: Ten Ancient Chinese Secrets to Tap Into a Woman's Creative Potential eBook edition by Lewis, Randine A.
"Being fertile and fruitful can mean giving birth to a child -- but to have a fertile soul means to give birth to the true self a woman wants to be: to live a life filled with passion, strength, joy, and adventure. In The Way of the Fertile Soul, Dr. Randine Lewis outlines ten ancient Chinese medical and Taoist ""secrets"" that hold the little-known key to successfully conceiving babies, new dreams, and a fulfilling life for women at any phase in their lives.
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Monday, October 29, 2007

Know You're Mind, Know You're Body


'Thoughts From The Seat Of The Soul' by Gary Zukav. You HAVE to get yourself a copy of this book and read it. Read it every day, and feel yourself begin to grow spiritually. Gary Zukav has written a life-changing book, take advantage of its wisdom. This eBook helps keep me on track with my life & only takes a few seconds. It is either comforting or thought provoking -- both good things.
'YOU The Owner's Manual' by Dr. Michael f. Roizen & Dr. Mehmet Oz. If you know very little about human anatomy and physiology, I would highly recommend buying this book. It's wit and wisdom will guide you painlessly through the various systems of the body. However, if you're looking to find a solution to a particular ailment, you'd better keep searching. The author mainly just addresses proper functioning of the body and how to keep it running well. If you already have a problem, you may or may not find it addressed in this book. Don't forget to check below to get your Coupon Code to receive a Discount on these two eBook Titles.

Thoughts from the Seat of the Soul: Meditations for Souls in Process by Zukav, Gary
Thoughts from the Seat of the Soul is a beautiful collection of carefully chosen excerpts from Gary Zukav's celebrated bestseller The Seat of the Soul. Slip this lovely little book into your purse or bag and take it with you wherever you go. Turn the pages as you are drawn -- you can be inspired every day or once an hour, or you can meditate on your favorite thought all month. Use it as an oracle, or to stimulate deeper insight, joy, and appreciation of your life and the lives of others. This powerful volume is for those who are growing in consciousness and for those who want to. It is the perfect gift for someone you love or for yourself.
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YOU: The Owner's Manual by Oz, Mehmet
If there ever was a pair of docs who can make the small intestine seem truly intriguing, here they are. Dr. Mehmet Oz is an alternative-medicine maverick and a cardiologist known to implement acupuncture during open-heart surgery. Dr. Michael Roizen developed the RealAge concept of calculating one's biological, as opposed to chronological, age. Here they've whipped up a witty guide to the workings of the entire body, appropriate not just for those who can't tell their pancreas from their pituitary. Even Cheers’ Cliff Claven types who think they know it all will likely be humbled by the 50-question "body-quotient" quiz that starts off the book.
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Friday, September 28, 2007

Useless Information and Heaven


Do you think we need to know Useless information when we get to Heaven? These two eBooks do not have much in common but I found them to be entertaining and thoughtful. I read these two titles based on the reviews. The book of Useless Information is just that... Useless but a fun read and it's nice to be able to casually throw in an interesting fact about a topic at a party or get together that most likely nobody knows about. I found it to boost my ego a bit for people perceive you as the guy/gal who knows things... Yeah ok... The topic that nobody really knows about is what is Heaven like. Sure there are multitudes of books out there that talk about near death experiences but I found that 90 Minutes in Heaven was sincere and believable. However, not enough to look forward to experience the glories of heaven (Yet). I can wait my turn, whenever that may be. I will say that after reading this eBook I now have some tools that will help if I loose a loved one or dealing with death. I recommend this eBook for it may put death or tragedy in a better place for you mentally. Check out the coupon code at the bottom of this Blog for a discount on these two titles.

90 Minutes in Heaven (Adobe Reader) eBook edition by Piper, Don,, Murphy, Cecil,
On the way home from a conference, Don Piper's car was crushed by a semi that crossed into his lane. Medical personnel said he died instantly. While his body lay lifeless inside the ruins of his car, Piper experienced the glories of heaven, awed by its beauty and music. Ninety minutes after the wreck, while a minister prayed for him, Piper miraculously returned to life on earth with only the memory of inexpressible heavenly bliss. His faith in God was severely tested as he faced an uncertain and grueling recovery. Now he shares his life-changing story with you. 90 Minutes in Heaven offers a glimpse into a very real dimension of God's reality. It encourages those recovering from serious injuries and those dealing with the loss of a loved one. The experience dramatically changed Piper's life, and it will change yours too
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The Book of Useless Information eBook edition by Botham, Noel
All you never needed to know, and couldn't be bothered to ask... What you may so cavalierly call useless information could prove invaluable to someone else. Then again, maybe not. But to The Useless Information Society, any fact that passes its gasp-inducing, not-a-lot-of-people-know-that test merits inclusion in this fascinating but ultimately useless book... Did you know (or do you care)... --That fish scales are used to make lipstick? --Why organized crime accounts for ten percent of the United States's annual income? --The name of the first CD pressed in the United States? --The last year that can be written upside-down or right side-up and appear the same? --The shortest performance ever nominated for an Oscar? --How much Elvis weighed at the time of his death? --What the suits in a deck of cards represent? --How many Quarter Pounders can be made from one cow? --How interesting useless information can be? The Book of Useless Information answers these teasers and is packed with facts and figures that will captivate you--and anyone who shares your joy in the pursuit of pointless knowledge
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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cheat Nature by Understanding Science - Get Fit and Feel Fabulous.


Why wait for New Year's? Resolve now to make your life what you want it to be. This week's titles offer a little help for your body and some great sugessions for your mind. "Cheat to Lose," gives you the inside tips about weight loss that celebrities pay the big bucks for - and no, we're not talking about plastic surgery. "The Science of Being Great," in the vein of, "The Secret," helps you harness the power of your mind to put the universe at your fingertips. To put these eBooks at your fingertips - be sure to check below for this week's discount code.

CHEAT TO LOSE DIET eBook edition
by Marion, Joel
Joel Marion, CISSN, NSCA-CPT, and 2001 Body-for-Life Grand Champion, is an authority on the use of dietary cheating tactics to accelerate fat loss. His ideas and theories have reached people all across the globe through his frequent contributions to popular health and fitness magazines, both in print and on the Web. Additionally, he is a highly sought after personal trainer and consultant to doctors, lawyers, athletes, and models as well as the average Joe and Jane looking to improve his or her appearance. Joel resides in New Jersey.

John Berardi, Ph.D., is the author of two books and a frequent contributor to major health publications. Visit him at
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The Science of Being Great eBook edition
by Wattles, Wallace D.
Newly rediscovered by fans of The Secret, the metaphysical writer Wallace D. Wattles distills the rules of real power and personal achievement in this slender, immensely practical companion to The Science of Getting Rich.
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Unleashing Your Mind's True Power for Complete Well Being...

mind power

As if we needed more proof that the mind is a terrible thing to waste... Science is coming to support the long held intuitive belief that our minds are vastly more powerful than we know. Two titles to help you understand and harness the power of your mind:

A Whole New Mind (Mobipocket) eBook edition
by Pink, Daniel
The future belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind: artists, inventors, storytellers-creative and holistic "right-brain" thinkers whose abilities mark the fault line between who gets ahead and who doesn't. Drawing on research from around the world, Pink outlines the six fundamentally human abilities that are absolute essentials for professional success and personal fulfillment-and reveals how to master them. A Whole New Mind takes readers to a daring new place, and a provocative and necessary new way of thinking about a future that's already here.
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The Energy Healing Experiments: Science Reveals Our Natural Power to Heal eBook edition
by Schwartz, Gary, E.
A healer removes the pain of a broken wrist in fifteen minutes. Another removes an ovarian tumor in a couple of weeks. Still another, from thousands of miles away, regenerates the nerves of an injured spine for a patient on whom the doctors had given up. These sound like tabloid stories but could they be true? They are just three out of millions of instances in which healers have claimed to manipulate energy fields to cure the body. Books on vibrational medicine, prayer, and spiritual healing present readers with an array of historical and current discoveries and techniques. But so far nobody has addressed the reality of healing through comprehensive scientific research. The Energy Healing Experiments fills that void. Harvard- educated Dr. Gary E. Schwartz provides scientific experiments and evidence to reveal the truth about the existence of energy fields and unlocks their potential for enhancing your health.
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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Back to School - Required Reading Reinvented

labor day image

To celebrate Labor day we, at eBooksAboutEverything, are giving you an additional 5% off on these fun titles, to divert you from giving up your summer fun & buckling down to work...
Use coupon code: la78dy9 at checkout for this extra special discount.

Jinx by Cabot, Meg
ISBN: 9780061254437
Publisher: HarperCollins e-books
Year Published: 2007
The only thing Jean Honeychurch hates more than her boring name (not Jean Marie, or Jeanette, just . . . Jean) is her all-too-appropriate nickname, Jinx. Misfor-tune seems to follow her everywhere she...(by Meg Cabot, author of, "The Princess Diaries" & "Size 14 is Not Fat Either")
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FOREVER IN BLUE by Brashares, Ann
ISBN: 9780375843181
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Year Published: 2007
By the author of, "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants,"... Brashares continues to deliver a delightful and comforting story of friendship, life and more from the blue-jean's eye view...
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

eBook Coupon Code for 8-22 to 8-29

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